Coughing Man

Does Mold Cause Asthma?

One of the questions our mold certified inspectors get a lot is, “Can mold cause asthma?” While we aren’t medical professionals, we can provide some basic information on this topic. Mold is fungi that grows on damp or decomposing surfaces. It is also known as mildew. There’s mold that grows outdoors, and there’s mold that can live inside of a house or a building. While outdoor mold thrives on plants and rotting leaves, indoor mold lives off of moisture and sources of carbon that come from the contents of buildings or materials used to build buildings. Mold spreads by sending very small spores into the air and onto surfaces that are wet or damp.

What Exactly Is Asthma?

Asthma is a disorder of the lungs. When somebody has asthma, the air pathways inside their lungs may get inflamed. These air passages may also decrease in size, making breathing difficult.

What Causes Asthma?

The immune system’s reaction to something in the lungs results in asthma. Exactly what causes asthma has yet to be discovered, but according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), babies who lived in homes where three types of mold were commonly found got asthma. Genetics could make certain people more vulnerable to this lung condition.

Symptoms of Asthma

Being exposed to allergens like mold can trigger the symptoms of asthma. Symptoms can occur daily or much less frequently. Though asthma can be uncomfortable, you can still engage in your day-to-day activities if your asthma isn’t severe. A serious case of asthma could stop you from doing certain things, however. Asthma that’s under good control doesn’t produce many symptoms, but an asthma attack can occur if symptoms get worse. These are asthma’s symptoms:

  • Feeling like your chest is being squeezed
  • A cough that’s more troublesome early in the morning and in the evening
  • Feeling like you can’t catch your breath
  • A whistle-type sound upon exhaling

Asthma symptoms can appear and disappear over the course of the day or over a period of time. A cold or viral infection can trigger symptoms or worsen them. Physical exercise, allergies, cold temperatures and hyperventilating can also trigger symptoms. They can be more severe before noon and in the evening.

Examine the Possibility of Mold

If you or someone in your home or business experiences symptoms of asthma, hire a certified mold inspector to check out the quality of the air in your house or workplace. Give us a call today!
