Woman looking out the window

Locked Down with Mold: Ways to Prevent Mold Build Up

Many of us are shut indoors because of the lockdown brought by the spread of COVID-19, and this can create extra air moisture from showers and baths, drying laundry, and steam from cooking; all of these can lead to mold appearing on our walls and ceilings.

But since we are on lockdown, you’d think we could give more time on cleaning and maintaining a household that is mold-free. Ironically, some of us are busier than ever. Instead of stressing about deep cleaning plans, we’ve compiled a list of quick wins for mold prevention. 

Here are some tips to prevent mold:

  1. Use lids when you are cooking: This lessens moisture content by keeping the steam from getting out into the room.
  2. Open windows regularly: Helps the steam to escape from the room
  3. Avoid drying your clothes laundry if they have sat in the washer for too long. Just run them again. It is better to waste a little water, than to spread the foul air as it is drying…and ruining your clothes. Once the weather turns nice again, consider hanging on a line outside, if you have room. 
  4. Keep your bathroom dry: Good ventilation is the key! When taking a bath, make sure a fan or a window is open to remove steam from the room.
  5. Use mold sprays: This should be done regularly. Spray on the area and use a clean cloth to wipe it. Be careful not to use a brush for it may cause mold spores to be released in the air. Good cleaning practices can drastically help in preventing mold from growing.
  6.  Make a diluted bleach solution: This is good for wiping  white surfaces like bathrooms. You can leave it overnight for maximum effect.
  7. Use a mold wash concentrate: For stubborn areas, this will usually do the trick. 

The biggest tip of all is to call a mold certified inspector, if you think it is affecting your health. If there are areas that are prone to mold growth and don’t go away after much cleaning, call an expert to help you with it.